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We have lots of Social media platforms. These social platforms cater to almost all customer types. There are platforms for professionals, politicians, bureaucrats and new age adults.
But we don’t have a platform, which is designed exclusively for preteens . Nowadays preteens are using the same platforms which are used by adults, mostly by falsifying their age, which is neither proper nor safe.
We will design a social media platform for preteens and teens, belonging to the age group of 7 to 18 years, where they can spend their time safely. They will be able to collaborate with the children of a similar age group in a safe and secure manner with minimal adult supervision.
The platform will have sections like education, culture, games, sports, art, music, environment, social causes, communities etc. to enable preteens to engage constructively thus becoming better prepared for the future challenges while enjoying features and benefits of a social media platform.
Users would be able to share photos, video, text, etc. They can like, share, and comment. They can share their achievements, ideas, etc.
The solution will have parental controls to allow the parent to control the content.

T5/202, Nirala Estate, Techzone IV, Greater Noida West, 201306

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